“Bio-Genetic Muscle Weight Gain System”
Author: Lee Hayward, Bryan Kernan
Recommended For:
Beginner – Intermediate
Price: $37
Format: E-Book (Electronic Delivery)
Skip down to the “Bottom Line” |
This is a collaborative effort from Lee Hayward and Bryan Kernan that promises a “paint-by-numbers” muscle building system. To a certain point, it delivers on that promise in satisfactory fashion.
And then it all goes wrong…
The ebook begins by instructing its readers to immediately get an accurate appraisal of their body composition. I like that advice. In my opinion, that is the first step anyone who starts a bodybuilding program should take.
I also appreciated Hayward’s story of exactly how he stumbled onto the key to weight and muscle gain after struggling many years as a result of listening to the B.S. put out by the muscle mags. Not an unusual story by any means, but a good rendition.
Not to ruin anything, but the key = CALORIES.
And the “Bio-Genetic Weight Muscle Gain System” follows through by presenting a solid plan for mass gain dieting. It has appropriate detail and leaves you in a solid place to start if you have your heart set on some good gains. It doesn’t, however, go past the basics, skipping important stuff like pre and post-workout nutrition.
The training section comes next and, again, the ebook delivers a good base plan here as well. A 3 phase training program is presented that is solid as a whole. Photos illustrating the prescribed exercises are a nice addition.
And then, just when I was liking the program, along comes the supplement section. It is centered around promoting prohormones which have been illegal since January 20, 2005 (the copyright of my version of the ebook is 2005, bought in Dec. of ‘06, so the ebook was valid for a maximum of 20 days???). The “Bio-Genetic Supplement Stack” promised on the sales page isn’t even legally attainable???
Even beyond the now useless prohormone advice, I didn’t find anything leading readers towards intelligent supplement strategy. In total, even minus the prohormones, it seems to be leading readers towards a major emphasis on supplements.
Getting maximum supplement dollars out of readers appears to be a major goal of the program (there are many, many links back to Lee Hayward’s supplement store for those who take not-so-subtle direction).
The advertised bonuses aren’t really worth much and, in several cases, aren’t even a reasonable effort. The supplement ebook continues the “why-did-you-sell-me-something-so-out-of-date” theme. The abs book has some good info but, of course, recommends ephedra.
2 of 5 Stars: “The Bio-Genetic Muscle Weight Gain System” presents a good basic diet and workout plan here but the rest ruins a solid start.
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