Regardless of whether or not you choose to supplement, you will have to work hard for your achievements.
There doesn’t exist a magic pill that you can take for a couple of months and then walk out the door a mighty big man without putting in the work. Not even steroids will do this for you.
With that said, below are this site’s Bodybuilding Supplement Reviews…
The Bodybuilding Supplement Reviews
Check out the Bodybuilding Supplement Guide for brand recommendations, price considerations and more on the best bodybuilding supplements for muscle growth.
Recommended Dietary (Core) Supplements
Multi-Vitamins (Micronutrients)
Which ones to make sure you are getting and how much you need.
Meal Replacements (MRPs, Bars)
How to choose the right one for you.
Whey Protein
All about whey and what makes it so desirable.
Weight Gainers
Which ones are good & which are BAD – How to and how not to use these weight gaining supplements.
Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) (on the Fat page)
Why these can be the top muscle building supplements for the hardgainer.
Post-Workout Drinks (On the Post-Workout nutrition page)
Why liquid nutrition is important at this critical time.
Fiber (on the Carbs page)
High-protein high-calorie diets can sometimes wreak havoc with regularity and fiber supplements can often help.
Recommended Muscle Building Supplements
Not-So Recommended Bodybuilding Supplements
Anabolic Steroids
Yes, they work but they aren’t the answer for most trainers.
Now illegal in most places, these were once interesting muscle building supplements.
Weight Gain Pills
Why products claiming to get you quality weight from pill-popping are the biggest scams going.
Why the research they use to sell these muscle gain supplements isn’t so impressive when you investigate it a bit.
HGH Supplements
The HGH enhancers or releasers promise a lot more than they deliver.
Note: There are many, many more bodybuilding supplements being sold that, in my opinion, you are best off avoiding – Either they don’t work at all or their cost/benefit ratio is just too low. I just haven’t gotten around to doing bodybuilding supplement reviews for all of them.
Including (but not limited to)…
- Nitric Oxide Products (arginine)
- Tribulus Terrestris
- Myostatin Products
- Ribose
You are well-advised to have your BS detector on full-strength whenever looking at muscle building and weight gaining supplements. As the saying goes, “If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.”
If you don’t look to bodybuilding supplements to build muscle for you, where do you look?
Gaining quality muscle weight comes down to diet and training. It is really that clear-cut. The role of bodybuilding supplements will be relatively minor.
For some diet and training ideas, check this site’s weight gain diet and weight training program sections.
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